
Monday, 23 February 2009

How do you configure ‘third party applications’ to be managed by Genesys?

You can monitor ‘third party applications’ like Tomcat in Genesys Management Framework. You need to configure new application object using ‘Third Party Application’ Template.

To start and stop using SCI, please configure start and stop command in Annex tab of the application object

To configure start command, Application –> Annex –> start_stop (section) –> start_command (option name)

To configure stop command, Application –> Annex –> start_stop (section) –> stop_command (option name)

I will be posting more tips & tricks in this site and if you would like to cover any particular topic, kindly let me know

How to avoid ‘Administrator’ access to supervisors?

In Genesys, if you are configuring non-agent, they are automatically added to the ‘Administrators’ access group. Many times, we have to configure Supervisors and would like to provide access to their agent group only. Prior to 7.6 version, it is achieved by creating new access group and removing the person from Administrators group.

From 7.6, you can disable the default access to the users. For every user, you need to manually assign him to the access group.

To disable the default access, create section ‘Security’ in Configuration Server ‘Options’ tab and configure the option to ‘no-default-access’ to ‘0’. Simple and found it useful to avoid any human errors

How to enable Audit log feature in Genesys?

I have been asked many ‘how to’ questions by junior team members and thought that I will share it with everyone here..

You can enable ‘Audit logs’ in just three steps

  • Configure ‘Configuration Server’ to be managed by Management Framework. For assistance on configuring configuration server, please refer to post ‘Configure Configuration Server in CME’
  • Enable network logging for trace level for ‘Configuration Server’ and ‘SCS’.
  • As always for network logging, add connection to ‘Message Server’ from Configuration Server and SCS

I will be posting other tips and tricks shortly. If you have any tips to share or would like to know about tips on any components, let me know

Configure Configuration Server in CME

The Configuration Server Application object is preconfigured in the Configuration Database. You need to make the below changes in the Configuration
Server Application in CME for Management Layer to control Configuration Server:

  1. Open Configuration Manager aka CME
  2. Create a ‘Host’ object for the computer on which Configuration Server runs
  3. Open the Properties dialog box of the ‘Configuration Server’ Application (named ‘confserv’)
  4. Click the ‘Server Info’ tab
  5. Click Browse to select the Host that you created in Step 2
  6. On the ‘Start Info’ tab, define the ‘Working Directory’ and ‘Command Line’ properties for the primary Configuration Server
  7. Click OK to save the changes.

Genesys Certification – Consultant Inbound Voice

I am glad to inform you that I cleared Genesys certification with 90% :-). It was one of the tough exams which I faced so far.

One need to have good understanding of Genesys Framework & Architecture and functions of each components. Most importantly, if you have at-least one implementation experience, you can easily clear the certification.

All the best and Cheers :-)