Call Result | Enumeration | Description |
Abandoned | 21 | |
Agent CallBack Error | 47 | |
All Trunks Busy | 10 | |
Answer | 33 | |
Answering Machine Detected | 9 | |
Bridged | 31 | |
Busy | 6 | |
Call Drop Error | 42 | |
Cancel Record | 52 | |
Cleared | 19 | |
Conferenced | 2 | |
Consult | 24 | |
Converse-On | 30 | |
Covered | 29 | |
Deafened | 49 | |
Dial Error | 41 | |
Do Not Call | 51 | |
Dropped | 26 | |
Dropped on No Answer | 27 | |
Fax Detected | 17 | |
Forwarded | 23 | |
General Error | 3 | |
Group Call Back Error | 48 | Generated by OCS internally when a call record is rescheduled according to a “Campaign Callback” request from the desktop application; however, |
Held | 50 | |
No Answer | 7 | Ring without answer at destination. |
No Dial Tone | 35 | |
No Established Detected | 38 | |
No Port Available | 44 | |
No Progress | 36 | |
No Ring Back Tone | 37 | |
NU Tone | 34 | |
Ok | 0 | Call result is unset; that is, the call record has not |
Overflowed | 20 | |
Pager Detected | 39 | |
PickedUp | 25 | |
Queue Full | 18 | |
Redirected | 22 | |
RemoteRelease | 5 | |
Silence | 32 | |
SIT Detected | 8 | |
SIT IC(Intercept) | 13 | |
SIT Invalid Num | 11 | |
SIT NC (No Circuit) | 15 | |
SIT RO (Reorder) | 16 | |
SIT Unknown Call State | 14 | |
SIT VC (Vacant Code) | 12 | |
Stale | 46 | Call result is marked as Stale in the following |
Switch Error | 43 | |
System Error | 4 | |
Transfer Error | 45 | |
Transferred | 1 | |
Unknown Call Result | 28 | Default. All records should be set to this call result |
Wrong Number | 53 | Intended person cannot be reached at this number. |
Wrong Party | 40 | Call is answered but by a wrong party; this call |
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
OCS Call Result – Enumeration Values
Monday, 21 September 2009
How to configure IVR Driver for HA solutions?
The Primary/Backup Config Server configuration is absolutely transparent for all client applications. When a client connects to Primary Config Server, it requests information if there is a Backup instance configured. If there is, the client (here IVR Driver) gets all necessary attributes, like Host and Port. When the Primary config server fails the client will be trying to reconnect to Primary, then to Backup, until succeeds.
Actually, the same rule could be applied for Primary/Backup pairs of any Genesys servers – (they are transparent for their clients)
The bottom line is that as long as one config server of the pri/back pair is up and running there will be no problem getting the IVR Driver up and connected. If it cannot connect to either one, then there will be a problem. Otherwise it will be fine. Also, once it starts running you can take both config servers down and have no is just on start-up where it is key to get the config parameters.
Note: Got this info for Genesys support and really helped me to talk to Nortel IVR Engineers..
Friday, 18 September 2009
Delete Old log files using VB6
VB6 Snippet to delete old log files
Private Sub deleteOldFiles()
Dim sFileName As String
Dim sFileSplit() As String
Dim sFileSpec As String
Dim sDir As String
Dim iCount As Integer
Dim iCtr As Integer
Dim dCompDate As Date
Dim dFileDate As Date
On Error GoTo errHandler
sFileSpec = App.Path & "\logs\*.log"
sFileName = Dir(sFileSpec)
dCompDate = Format(Now, "mm/dd/yyyy")
If sFileName = "" Then Exit Do
If InStr(sFileSpec, "\") > 0 Then
sFileSplit = Split(sFileSpec, "\")
iCount = UBound(sFileSplit) - 1
For iCtr = 0 To iCount
sDir = sDir & sFileSplit(iCtr) & "\"
sFileName = sDir & sFileName
End If
dFileDate = Format(FileDateTime(sFileName), "mm/dd/yyyy")
If DateDiff("d", dFileDate, dCompDate) >= 3 Then
'Get File Attributes
If GetAttr(sFileName) = 33 Then
SetAttr sFileName, 32
End If
Kill sFileName
End If
sFileName = Dir
sDir = ""
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description
End Sub
Write log using VB6
Function to write log file using Visual Basic 6
Private Sub writeLog(strMessage As String)
Dim hFile As Long
Dim sFolder As String
Dim sFile As String
Dim sDestination As String
Dim sLog As String
On Error GoTo errHandler
hFile = FreeFile()
sFolder = App.Path & "\logs"
sFile = sFolder & "\Softphone.log"
sLog = Format(Now(), "yyyy-mm-dd HH:nn:ss") & "." & Right(Format(Timer(), "0.000"), 3)
sLog = sLog & vbTab & strMessage
If lLineNumber > 60000 Then 'Approx 5 MB
lLineNumber = 1
sDestination = sFolder & "\Softphone_" & Format(Now(), "yyyymmdd_HHnnss") & ".log"
FileCopy sFile, sDestination
Kill sFile
lLineNumber = lLineNumber + 1
End If
Open sFile For Append As #hFile
Print #hFile, sLog
Close hFile
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = 76 Then 'If folder not exists, create it
MkDir sFolder
End If
MsgBox Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description
End Sub
Friday, 11 September 2009
How to load strategies in Extension?
To load strategies in extension, you need to configure strategy details manually for DN. Let URS_01 is our UR Server, 5001 is our DN and we would like to run our strategy 'Sample' on 'ringing' event. Here are the details for the same
- Open DN 5001 and go to 'Annex' Tab
- Create a section named 'URS_01' (same as UR Server name)
- Create options 'event_arrive' with value as 'ringing'
- Create option 'strategy' with value as 'sample' (name of the strategy)
- Create option 'strategy0x65' with value as 'sample' (name of the strategy)
Simple..isn't it :-)
How do we peg a VQ without going through a target?
Select VQ in target block with timeout of 0 and a dummy place selected for routing.
Will get a peg on the VQ and the call will go out of the red port.