Record History logging provides you with additional reporting options for
calling lists. This logging process does not use database access to write logs;
instead it uses flat (text) files that the customer defines. You can turn enable this logging for selective calling lists.
How to configure Record history logging:
- In CME, select the calling list
- Go to Annex Tab and create section ‘default’, if not available already
- Create option ‘dial_log_destination’ with value as ‘Folder Path’ to store record history log files
- Create Option ‘dial_log_delimiter’ with value as ‘,’ to create comma separated delimiter between the fields
By default, it attaches the below mentioned mandatory fields
- record_id
- contact_info
- contact_info_type
- record_type
- record_status
- call_result
- attempt
- dial_sched_time
- call_time
- daily_from
- daiy_till
- tz_dbid
- agent_id
- chain_id
- chain_n
If you want to attach user-defined fields in the record history logging, please follow the steps below
- In CME, select the field .
- Go to Annex Tab and create section ‘default’, if not available already.
- Create Option ‘send_attribute’ with value as field name.
Record History log will then have the value with key as field name and value.. :-)
I am playing with Genesys 8.0 and planned to cover the details in the coming weeks.. keep watching this space..
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